Update of 314 of the original (first issue) Greek Technical Specifications (ETEP) (Greece)

Update of 314 of the original (first issue) Greek Technical Specifications (ETEP) (Greece)

Update of 314 of the original (first issue) Greek Technical Specifications (ETEP) (Greece)


Project Description

Greek Technical Specifications (ETEP) after almost eight years in issue had to be updated in order to comply with the newer European, National and International Standards and Regulations, as well as advances in materials and works techniques. Services provider for the project, covering 314 of the Greek Technical Specifications (ETEP) was appointed ADT OMEGA, leader of a joint venture with the consulting engineers firms Obermayer Hellas and Hydroment.

DATE 2021 – 2022
OBJECT Technical Specifications
COST Contract value: 560,000 €

We provide answers to the most critical questions

Adaptation to strict specifications, increased coordination requirements of the working team, multilevel auditing and control of deliverables.
Precise reference to all existing standardization per subject, uniformity of texts in respect to layout, terminology and expressions used. Initial texts not properly structured.
Many of the existing specifications which are to be reviewed and updated in the frame of the contract, required extensive additions and corrections and/or broadening of contains. This has led to increased effort by the work team, but the intervention was successful.

Stages of the procedure:
• Review of the original text by the Contractor and submittal of proposed changes (first stage draft document)
• Review of first stage document by ELOT appointed experts with comments on the required modifications
• Incorporation of experts' comments in the document and re-submittal for final review by TE99, the supreme Technical Committee of ELOT comprising of members appointed by all Authorities and Organizations involved in Public Works implementation.
• Preparation by the contractor of the final draft incorporating all comments of TE99 and uploading of the document in ELOT’s site for Public Consultation
• Evaluation of comments resulting from Public Consultation and preparation by the contractor, after the expert and TE99 have expressed their relevant opinion, of the final text, deliverable by ELOT to the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport.

We Are Commited to Engineering Excellence

Our commitment to Engineering Excellence means that we give every single effort to minimize the impact of our work on the environment, execute timely our projects and deliver the best cost effective solution to any engineering challenge we face.